Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our first wall!

     Even though not much has happened since my last post, I couldn't help but post a couple of pictures now.  We went out to the property on Saturday to find a WALL! It was very exciting to be able to stand there and look out the window, and see our view.  The whole back wall was assembled too but not put up yet.  It had snowed a little last week so I think that is slowing down the construction.  It's supposed to snow on and off for the next week and a half too.  Adair had told us it takes two weeks to frame the whole house, Tuesday will be the beginning of week two.  So, I highly doubt the rest will be finished in a week.  Thank you very much snow!  But we are still very happy to see the progress!

Our front office windows.
The back wall ready to go up!!
I must say I was quite annoyed when I saw this sight.  We have to do the cleanup on the lot and the workers are supposed to toss the stuff to the side for us to pick up. But really? In a puddle? They couldn't find a dry spot to throw the stuff? So now we have to go buy rainboots so we can pick up this mess. Thanks guys! :/

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