Friday, September 28, 2012


We finally signed the loan papers this afternoon!! So, our loan should fund the beginning of next week. Then we can take our first draw and the building permits can be submitted to the city. The last time I talked to the building dept at the city, they said turn around time for permits was two weeks. We are eager to break ground and get things going before the rainy fall weather hits.

Hopefully, my next post will include some excavation pics! :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

The waiting game...

Our appraisal finally came back, and to our surprise our house appraised for $90,000 more than what we are going to be paying for it! It's so nice to be going into homeownership with that much equity in our home!
As far as the paperwork and progress on the lot, we are still waiting for the loan paperwork to be finalized. I had no idea starting out how long this process takes, it's ridiculous. Our patience is put to the test as we wait for the news that we can sign. Last I checked they said it will be another 8 business days before we can sign on the loan. Then the Medford Adair office will be submitting our building permit application to the city.....who knows how long that will take to get.

So right now, we are coordinating the utility trenching with the water, electric, cable and phone. It is complicated but, we are hoping everything will run smoothly when we are ready to go.

I'll update as soon as something happens! :)